Tonya Cline Sibert
The Republican Nominee
Taxpayers First
Tonya Cline Sibert was born and raised in the Clear Brook area of Frederick County. She graduated James Wood High School and has lived on Apple Pie Ridge with her husband and 2 children for the last 15 years.
Tonya has been working for Signet Jewelers for the last 29 years. Signet is the 7th Largest Jewelry Store Company in the world and employs over 28,000 people at 3,300 locations. Tonya has managed several multimillion-dollar stores overseeing hundreds of employees.
Tonya knows that she can make the Commissioner of the Revenues Office more modern with an emphasis on customer service to the taxpayer.
"We need to look for new ways to generate revenue while saving on expenses. I have the business experience and leadership abilities to move the Commissioner of the Revenue’s Office forward and build a proper infrastructure."
-Tonya Cline Sibert